I've Already Been to Australia

          The reason that I chose Australia is because of how unique the country is. The continent that it's on is named after the country. It has rain forests and deserts on the same country. It's food is varied from seafood to meat that is found on land. Also like many other countries it was once a colony of Great Britain.
           Currently there are no travel warnings for Australia. That is most likely because Australia is a more developed country and one of the most wealthiest in the world. It also has the 12th largest economy in the world and the world's fifth highest per capita income. Along with having the world's 13th largest military, they have the second highest human development index globally. Australia is also part of many organizations throughout the world.
          The current currency exchange rate from a US dollar to an Australian dollar is 1 to 1.33. That means that much of the product there costs a lot more than the food in the US. Even their minimum wage there pays more than other countries. A recommendation that I have, if you do travel there, is that you contact any family that are in Australia. That way when they take you out for dinner, they will have to pay. Much of the food there is expensive and they can probably afford it anyways.
          This being my second time traveling to Australia I already know what to pack. You should pack just shorts and t shirts. Most of the time the weather there is humid and hot so a water bottle would be recommended. Although it is usually hot, packing some jeans and a jacket isn't out of question. Occasionally it gets chilly and you don't want to be wearing shorts and a t shirt then.
Alex at the Sydney Opera House (Cameron's holding the camera)

Day 1
        My first stop was Sydney and it was great being back. My dad has some family here so it wasn't like we were traveling by ourselves. I took my own advice and every time that we went to dinner I would let them pay. I traveled throughout Sydney going to the Opera House and much of Chinatown. At the time that I had gotten to the Opera House it was dark. That wasn't much of a problem because it looked much better at night. Because it was such a huge tourist spot there were a bunch of people pushing each other around. That was my only day in Sydney

Day 2
          My second stop was Melbourne. Its the most populous city in Australia. The traffic there was terrible as soon as I got off my flight. It took forever to call a taxi because of the amount of people there. After that It took about an hour to get my rental car and head to my hotel. The next day I decided it would be much quicker to walk everywhere. I was wrong. During the day time there aren't many people driving around because most of them are at work. My second stop wasn't exactly the best experience that I could've had.

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